Tag Archive for: therapist
Guiding Principle V: Follow the pain
I am a problem solver . . .
As a kid I would get myself into trouble because I spent hours pulling a something important apart because I was curious. Then I couldn't put it back together. There was more than one occasion that my 'mechanically…
Guiding Principle IV: The 7 day rule
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth . . . and he rested on the 7th day!
Tim, are you going religious on us?
Okay. I'll admit I have a faith and believe in God and all that.
But what I am about to share with you I did…
Peroneal proprioception – Be the guru on ankle stability
Myotherapy is not only about pain relief. It is about function. The chronic instability left in ankles for years after an acute plantar flexion inversion injury is a classic case of myofascial dysfunction with no pain. And it is ridiculously…
Guiding Principle II: Stiffness IS pain
Stiffness IS pain - What am I talking about?
I stumbled across this observation whilst assessing range of movement in a patient's neck many years ago. For no apparent reason I decided to interpret the location where the patient was describing…
How do I answer – Myotherapy compared to Chiropractic?
Comparing Myotherapy to Chiropractic is an excellent way to help a patient understand what you are really doing because … they are more similar than we admit!
*Note: This post is written for professionals so may be more technical…